2021 Medalist

Minneapolis 2040

The Witte-Sakamoto Family Medal in City and Regional Planning

Minneapolis 2040 includes 14 goals with an overarching theme: Minneapolis’ growth must be managed with a focus on undoing barriers created by a history of policies that have prevented equitable access to housing, jobs and investments, resulting in significant racial disparities. It features nearly 100 policies with action steps outlining ways to achieve the plan’s goals.

Minneapolis 2040 will guide future growth for the city. It is informing future ordinances, zoning code revisions and the City’s strategic racial equity plan, among other items.

This plan reflects the results of over two years of engagement with the people of Minneapolis, including over 100 public meetings and conversations with thousands of residents, business owners and others.

Since the plan’s adoption, the City has implemented Minneapolis 2040 through new ordinances that require affordable housing in new residential development, legalize duplexes and triplexes in in Minneapolis’ lowest density residential areas, allow the scale of built form called for by the plan citywide, eliminate minimum parking requirements, and align travel demand management regulations with desired plan outcomes.

Learn more about the plan

people gardening
  • City Planner engages with community during a 2040 engagement event
  • City Planners answer questions at a 2040 engagement event
  • Community share their input on land-use-design at a 2040 engagement event where
  • Community members mark a map with ideas to create and sustain a great city at a 2040 engagement event
  • City staff and community engage and learn about housing options/policies in the City
  • Community members mark a map with ideas to create and sustain a great city at a 2040 engagement event
  • Community members mark a map with ideas to create and sustain a great city at a 2040 engagement event
  • Notes from the community on what they want to see in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
  • Hearing from youth about ideas and what they want to see in the city in the year 2040 and beyond
  • City Planner taking notes
  • City bus gives free rides on Nicollet Ave
  • Community planting trees and plants in the city
  • 2040 visual rendering of safe crosswalks by a City Planner