2024 Medalist

Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan

The Witte-Sakamoto Family Medal in City and Regional Planning

Charlotte Future 2040 is a comprehensive plan to channel the City’s rapid growth, with a focus on equity. It provides a clear vision for the City and high-level, forward-thinking policy guidance for improving quality of life, affordability, equity, and sustainability for all Charlotteans. It addresses the inequities of the past and unites the City with a shared set of goals for the future to create a City that is more inclusive and diverse, with greater opportunities for all. It was based on thorough analysis and research, along with extensive outreach. The project team worked to elevate community voices typically not heard in the planning process, including low-income communities, communities of color, non-English speaking residents, and youth. Over 40 methods of engagement — including the Charlotte Planning Board Game, Card Game, a TikTok challenge, a virtual scavenger hunt, and more — succeeded in bringing over 6,500 community members into the effort. An innovative Policy Map is the first major implementation item and maps the plan’s place-based policies using Place Types, that categorize sets of places to help address overlapping needs. This information guides policy, investment, zoning, and development decisions that balance the unique needs of individual communities with the city's overall vision.  The plan has been awarded the 2022 Marvin Collins Award from the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association, the 2022 International Association for Public Participation Award for Public Engagement, the 2023 Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan from the American Planning Association and a 2024 Sustain Charlotte Award.

  • Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan - (Adopted 2021)
  • Drive Into Charlotte’s Future – Draft Plan Release Event, October 31, 2020; Pictured: Mayor Vi Lyles
  • Pop-Up Engagement Event - Open Streets 704
  • Stakeholders Meeting - Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Adopted 2021)
  • Stakeholders Meeting - Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Adopted 2021)
  • Charlotte Fast Facts - Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Adopted 2021)
  • Charlotte Strategic Advisors Place Types Chat Session - May 6, 2020
  • Community Workshop: March 5, 2019 – Developing the Vision
  • Engagement Event- Growing Better Places Board Game from the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Adopted 2021)
  • Stakeholders Meeting - Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Adopted 2021)